Pharma Manufacturer
Pharmaceutical manufacturer facing increased customer demand for products is forced to open a newly built manufacturing facility four months earlier than planned.
- Establish production in new facility to obtain $10 million in increased earnings.
- Design and implement an effective management system and train leadership on its use.
- Realized $10.5 million in increased earnings due to availability of additional capacity.
- Trained managers in their new roles and in the use of the new management system.
Case Study
Bring Production On Line at New Facility
A pharmaceutical manufacturer facing increased customer demand for products is forced to open a newly built manufacturing facility four months earlier than planned to meet customer orders. Long-term customer relationships and $10 million in earnings at stake, The Highland Group was tasked with preparing the workforce and the facility to begin production as needed without any issues.
Highland Approach
The most significant element of the project was the implementation of a highly structured System For Managing that would serve to focus and align every function and level within the organization to the high-level Driver Goals established by corporate leadership. The system and the associated training also increased employee engagement and ownership of the ongoing performance improvement goals.
Actions Taken
- Designed and implemented a System For Managing that included forecasting, planning, reporting and measuring performance.
- Created and initiated a training program for 127 managers and supervisors on the new System For Managing.
- Designed and implemented a training program for more than 700 line workers.