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Mining Maintenance



Mining Maintenance


Madagascar-based mining operation needed to reduce downtime and increase throughput.


  •  Improve mine throughput through higher equipment availability.


  • Improved wet plant running time by 23%.
  • Increased throughput by 62%.
CS-351 large

Case Study

Reduce Excessive Downtime & Increase Throughput


A Madagascar-based mining operation needed to reduce downtime and increase throughput.

Highland Approach

The Highland Group conducted an analysis of the operation and identified several factors contributing to low production, including: error in initial equipment design, low skill level preventing proper rigor and focus on the engineering process, Maintenance operating in firefighting mode, low spare parts availability, and a language barrier. 

Actions Taken

  • Developed and implemented a formalized decision tool that reduced the maintenance notification backlog by 60%.
  • Assessed and improved inspection routines.
  • Conducted on-the-ground coaching.
  • Developed a two-year training program.
  • Developed a downtime analysis tool and involved Production teams in the investigation and reduction of downtime.
  • Defined and initiated critical inventory adjustments.
  • Developed and implemented and Operations dashboard.

Increased throughput by


by increasing equipment availability by 23%

Related Information


subject matter-based