Healthcare Adminstration
Healthcare Administration entity of a major corporation wanted to improve operational efficiencies, while maintaining and/or improving customer service levels.
- Increase bottom line profits by $2.65 million by the end of the year.
- Added over $2.6 million in benefits through productivity improvements in Call Center, correspondence/ research and claims processing.
- Decreased cost per minute by 18% and headcount by 14%.

Case Study
Improve Profitability
A major corporation wanted to improve the operational efficiencies of one of its best operated and managed and most productive contracts, while maintaining and/or improving customer service levels within its Healthcare Administration, Claims Processing, Customer Support and Systems Support entity.
Highland Approach
The Highland Group conducted a Discovery and Design process that identified and detailed key issues, including opportunities to streamline processes, restructure and define roles and responsibilities, and improve training.
Actions Taken
- Streamlined processes, enabling progression to a paperless environment.
- Established targets for production and quality.
- Implemented individual tracking of production to emphasize accountability and responsibility for results.
- Delivered a revised organizational structure, including merging units, combined position descriptions and skills requirements to better balance resource loads and further reduce costs.
- Reset suspense processing production standards and implemented an improved examiner training program.
- Executed an outbound call campaign to top-tier providers.
- Implemented new processes and tools to expedite, track and ensure providers who committed to convert to electronic processing actually did so.
- Utilized regional representatives to follow up on campaign commitments via phone calls and site visits.
- Increased claims processing productivity by 12.4% (from 127 to 143 claim lines per examiner per hour).
- Increased utilization from 84% to 96%.
- Achieved 105% of targeted benefit (an 18% improvement from the base).