Financial Services
Financial services provider needed help reengineering Sales and Customer Service processes, reducing operational expenses, and increasing responsiveness.
- Increase Sales effectiveness and employee productivity.
- Redefine and simplify the organizational structure.
- Improve overall customer satisfaction.
- Met 100% of monthly sales quotas.
- Saved $7 million annually.
- Converted 50% of time spent on paperwork to time on the phone with customers.

Case Study
Restructure, Redesign & Optimize Sales & Customer Service
A provider of financial services engaged The Highland Group to help reengineer its Sales and Customer Service processes, reduce operational expenses, and design and implement a management system to increase customer responsiveness.
Highland Approach
Improvement of office-based processes, while not the focus of traditional Lean tools and techniques, has become increasingly important as businesses recognize the tremendous savings opportunities as well as the intangible benefits, such as improved employee morale and productivity and customer satisfaction. The Highland Group began by partnering with client personnel to conduct a workflow analysis and redesign focused on increased customer responsiveness. A structured System For Managing translated high-level performance Driver Goals into specific, measurable, actionable tasks at the workgroup level.
Actions Taken
- Developed and implemented a goal alignment and translation process.
- Restructured the organization including creation of a Call Center.
- Created and conducted training programs for telephone and field sales staff.
- Designed and implemented a reward and recognition program for the Sales organization.
- Redesigned Customer Service to focus the organization on meeting customer requirements.
- Designed and initiated a System For Managing that addressed converting customer demand into effective and timely responses, and trained managers and supervisors on its use.